Notice : Student Registration Open
<b>IN</b> +91-7017699957 IN +91-7017699957

Faculty Development Programmes (FDP)


In the world of engineering and technology, change and advancements are happening at a rapid pace. In order to support academicians in India, we host various Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) with an objective to provide teachers with relevant industry knowledge and awareness of the latest industry trends in every sector. We are committed to providing support to our educators and academicians. These faculty development programmes aim at providing an in-depth exposure blended with industry expert sessions, case studies and site visits.

The programs include a variety of opportunities for staff and enable them to network with other senior colleagues who are also active in similar areas of research or teaching.


address info’s

Dehradun, Uttarakhand

working hours

Monday to Saturday 09:00 AM to 8:00 PM

support center

Learning Culture is your trusted call service that you can call or e-mail us anytime